Road to Smart Flows (Part 1) : Document Generation with XperiDo

This is one of two connected posts to introduce document generation features with Xpertdoc Smart Flows, explaining the important steps and issues faced during XperiDo to Smart Flows migration.

Connected Posts:

This post provides a basic idea about XperiDo as this is the start for Smart Flows. Also, most of the concepts are still same and most parts of the architecture is similar in the Smart Flows.

What is XperiDo

XperiDo is a document generation solution available as an online service and as an on-premise solution. It’s a fully compatible document generation platform for Dynamics CRM giving various of functions to generate different types of documents using Dynamics CRM data. XperiDo supports building complex document generation activities, accessing dynamics CRM schema in a user friendly environment.

Continue reading “Road to Smart Flows (Part 1) : Document Generation with XperiDo”

Dynamics 365 CE Issue-Fixed: The entity relationship role of the referencing entity is required when creating a new one-to-many entity relationship vr_processstage_workflow

The post is about fixing the import issue, “The entity relationship role of the referencing entity is required when creating a new one-to-many entity relationship vr_processstage_workflow”.

The problem is mainly with two deprecated fields in Process entity in this scenario. However there are few similar incidents/scenarios reported and seeking solutions in the forums.

The Fix:

  1. Open the CRM solution and navigate to Entities->Process->Fields.
  2. Find the fields, stageid and traversepath under the fields.
  3. Delete both the fields.
Continue reading “Dynamics 365 CE Issue-Fixed: The entity relationship role of the referencing entity is required when creating a new one-to-many entity relationship vr_processstage_workflow”